Situation Nowhere by Bobby Miller Wholesale: $11 | Suggested Retail: $225.25” by 8” | 325 pages | Softcover | Perfect bound | Fiction
How To Play A Necromancer's Theremin by Chase Griffin and Christina Quay Wholesale: $9 | Suggested Retail: $185.5” by 8.5” | 223 pages | Softcover | Perfect bound | Fiction
Birds Aren't Real by D.T. Robbins Wholesale: $8 | Suggested Retail: $165.5” by 8.5” | 150 pages | Softcover | Perfect bound | Fiction
The Swallows of Lunetto by Joseph Fasano Wholesale: $10 | Suggested Retail: $205.5” by 8.5” | 376 pages | Softcover | Perfect bound | Fiction
Telepaphone by Adam Soldofsky with illustrations by Axel Wilhite Wholesale: $8 | Suggested Retail: $165.5” by 8.5” | 78 pages | Softcover | Perfect bound | Fiction
Creole Conjure by Christina Rosso Wholesale: $8 | Suggested Retail: $165.5” by 8.5” | 214 pages | Softcover | Perfect bound | Fiction
Salad Days by Laura Theobald Wholesale: $8 | Suggested Retail: $165.5” by 8.5” | 130 pages | Softcover | Perfect bound | Poetry
The Cult In My Garage by Duncan Birmingham Wholesale: $8 | Suggested Retail: $165.5” by 8.5” | 176 pages | Softcover | Perfect bound | Fiction
Tell Me How You Really Feel by Claire Hopple Wholesale: $8 | Suggested Retail: $165.5” by 8.5” | 44 pages | Softcover | Perfect bound | Short fiction
Dreams of Being by Michael J. Seidlinger Wholesale: $8 | Suggested Retail: $165.5” by 8.5” | 192 pages | Softcover | Perfect bound | Fiction
The Way Cities Feel To Us Now and other stories by Nate Perkins Wholesale: $8 | Suggested Retail: $165.5” by 8.5” | 160 pages | Softcover | Perfect bound | Fiction
This Distance by Nick Gregorio Wholesale: $8 | Suggested Retail: $165.5” by 8.5” | 189 pages | Softcover | Perfect bound | Fiction
Double Bird by Bud Smith Wholesale: $8 | Suggested Retail: $165.5” by 8.5” | 232 pages | Softcover | Perfect bound | Fiction
Kingdom Now by Shan Cawley Wholesale: $7 | Suggested Retail: $145.5” by 8.5” | 91 pages | Softcover | Perfect bound | Poetry
Good Grief by Nick Gregorio Wholesale: $8 | Suggested Retail: $165.5” by 8.5” | 271 pages | Softcover | Perfect bound | Creative nonfiction
Emoji Death Mask by Johnny Kiosk Wholesale: $5 | Suggested Retail: $104” by 6” | 83 pages | Softcover | Perfect bound | Poetry
every dog i pet in 2016 by Joseph Parker Okay Wholesale: $5 | Suggested Retail: $104” by 6” | 98 pages | Softcover | Perfect bound | Creative Nonfiction
Depression is a Thunderstorm and I am a Scared Dog by Shan Cawley Wholesale: $5 | Suggested Retail: $104” by 6” | 43 pages | Softcover | Perfect bound | Poetry
Portrait of the Artist as a Viable Alternative to Death by Ross McCleary Wholesale: $5 | Suggested Retail: $104” by 6” | 110 pages | Softcover | Perfect bound | Fiction
I Don’t Mean To Redshift by Beyza Ozer Wholesale: $5 | Suggested Retail: $104” by 6” | 50 pages | Softcover | Perfect bound | Poetry
Joy by S. Kay Wholesale: $5 | Suggested Retail: $104” x 6” | 92 pages | Softcover | Perfect bound | Fiction
Sometimes Cool Things Are Terrible by Amanda Dissinger Wholesale: $5 | Suggested Retail: $104” by 6” | 64 pages | Softcover | Perfect bound | Poetry
Become Death or Atomic Rain on the Shoulders of Atlas by Luis Neer Wholesale: $5 | Suggested Retail: $104” x 6” | 60 pages | Softcover | Perfect bound | Poetry
Weather / Or / Not by Dalton Day Wholesale: $5 | Suggested Retail: $106” by 4” | 26 pages | Softcover | Perfect bound | Poetry
101 Adages for the Millennial by Dylan Taylor Wholesale: $5 | Suggested Retail: $105” by 5” | 104 pages | Softcover | Perfect bound | Fiction